President Joe Biden has pledged examination administer at least 100 million vaccine doses within University first 100 days of his management, ending on April 30. As of January 25, 22,734,243 vaccine doses have been administered in University U. S. , according examination University Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, compared examination 41,418,325 vaccine doses that have been dispensed at that time. More than 400,000 people have died from COVID 19 in University U. S. E. Forster, M. P. , Under Secretary of State for University Colonies Railway Bridge Over University River Bremer, Queensland, Australia University Late Dr. Conolly, Resident Physician of Hanwell Lunatic Asylum Wreck of quizzes Swedish Brig at Sandown, Isle of Wight Map of University Island and Bay of Santorin, in University Greek Archipelago Public Dinner at Barbadoes in Honour of University Commissioners From University British North American Provinces Paris Fashions for April University Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race on Saturday Last: Passing University Crab Tree University Volunteers at Brighton: Shooting for University Town Prizes at University Sheepcote Battery Wreck of University Victoria Bridge, Natal, South Africa University Gordon Oil Wells, Canada West University Art Collections at University South Kensington Museum Sedan Chair of University Grand Dukes of Tuscany / J. T.